Multicolumn Card Layout (purposefully with bugs)

This demo was created to intentionally find and show bugs in Column implementation, so we can get them fixed. Meanwhile, you can create designs and write code to avoid these bugs. (Don't use margin-top on your items. Don't use drop shadows. Use break-inside: avoid to keep the items from breaking in half, and use Autoprefixer to get support for browsers that don't properly support break-inside yet.)

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Mauris posuere feugiat bibendum. Donec malesuada nisl sed hendrerit ornare. Maecenas suscipit nisi vitae magna ullamcorper, ut pulvinar lacus pretium.

Praesent sapien massa, tempor non ante nec

Aliquam pharetra magna felis, nec fermentum ligula molestie at. Vestibulum mauris mauris, posuere id purus at, dignissim suscipit magna.

Nullam ut ex vitae augue

Morbi quis ipsum rutrum, elementum ipsum ac, mattis velit. Vivamus auctor urna euismod nunc viverra pulvinar. Donec ut suscipit justo, quis tristique eros. Pellentesque eget iaculis urna, non accumsan elit. Donec ullamcorper sapien sed justo vehicula, vel tempor ipsum bibendum. Praesent eu erat id ex iaculis finibus eu non enim. Praesent sapien massa, tempor non ante nec, pellentesque malesuada mauris. Curabitur leo enim, finibus non urna ac, iaculis varius lacus.

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing

My Fabulous Thing

Teaser about this thing